Al Sherkow's WISBIRDN Information: Species Table and Some Photos

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A Few Banding Bird Pictures

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Al with BCCH

WSO: Wisconsin Society for Ornithology

Al's Banding Reference Materials

A Few Banding Bird Pictures

Al's Business Pages

Migration on Radar!

This animated GIF is from a series of Milwaukee Nexrad (radar) images from the night of May 19-20, 2001 representing 48 images from about 8 p.m. to 8 a.m. It was prepared and the notes on the page were written by John Idzikowski.

4 Character Bird Code Tables

Each bird species has a 4-character code that can be used as a shorthand abbreviation and is often used in scientific studies. Generally the code is the first two letters of the first two words of the bird's common North American name. Two examples are:
SPEC AOU Species Scientific Name
NOCA 5930 Northern Cardinal Cardinalis cardinalis
BCCH 7350 Black-capped Chickadee Poecile atricapillus

The table is provided in three versions. I've been told by the USGS Bird Banding Laboratory (BBL) that this information is in the public domain, and that some of the scientific names are not up to date. (Which are wrong I do not know). In your web browser right click on the hyperlinks below and then choose "Save Target As" to specify where to store the file on your computer.

  1. Excel 97,
  2. text file with tabs separating the columns, and
  3. CSV format, which can be loaded into the database or spreadsheet of your choice

Interesting Birds In Wisconsin

These identifications are made pending review by the WSO Records Committee.
21Oct2000 Broad Billed Hummingbird
30Oct2000 Fork Tailed Flycatcher
1Nov2000 Ash-Throated Flycatcher

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Since 1996 I've been studying bird banding at Riveredge Nature Center in Newburg, Wisconsin. I own for my computer consulting business. I've been able to quickly put these pictures online so viewing them is easier. Also rather than emailing SPEC code tables to people they can now download them at their leisure.

Page Updated 14March2002.  This page has been accessed times.

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