LCSAUDIT: Sub-Capacity Report for 2064#1235 With LCS Updates
Printed: 09:12 Thursday, 17NOV2005
plain text format

================ LCS SUB-CAPACITY REPORT================                                                                                        
                     Run Date/Time: 17NOV2005 - 9:20:52, Reporting Period is 02JAN2004                                                          
  Name of Person Submitting Report: Al Sherkow                                                                                                  
E-Mail Address of Report Submitter:                                                                                              
  Phone Number of Report Submitter: 414-332-3062                                                                                                
                     Customer Name: LCSDEMO Environment                                                                                         
                   Customer Number: 9999999                                                                                                     
             Machine Serial Number: 02-51235                                                                                                    
            Machine Type and Model: 2064-112                                                                                                    
     Machine Rated Capacity (MSUs): 372                                                                                                         
             Purchase Order Number: XX9999                                                                                                      
Is this machine a member of a pricing aggregation?   (YES, NO, or NOT SURE.)                                                                    
Customer Comments:                                                                                                                              
Note: This report is expected to provide a "% data collected" > 95% and data reporting                                                          
period beginning on the 2nd of the previous month and ending on the 1st of the current month.                                                   
TOOL INFORMATION                                                                                                                                
LCS, LPAR Capacity and Software Usage Analysis Tool (Source Code Level: 02.06  4Nov2005)                                                        
Copyright @1992-2005 by I/S Management Strategies, Ltd.                                                                                         
Formatted to Match SCRT Tool Release: 11.1                                                                                                      
Reporting Period:              02JAN2004  - 01FEB2004 (31 days)                                                                                 
% Data Collected:              100%  of 31 days                                                                                                 
Justification for low data collection (255 chars max)                                                                                           
Any MVS or OS/390 executing on this machine? NO                                                                                                 
Any z/OS in 31 bit? NO                                                                                                                          
Product Summary Information for 2064#1235                                                                                                       
                               VWLC       SCRT   LCS Suggested                                                                                  
VWLC Product Name              Product    Tool   Override                                                                                       
                               ID         MSUs   MSUs      LCS Comments                                                                         
Z/OS                           5694-A01     368                                                                                                 
DB2 UDB FOR OS/390 V7          5675-DB2     365                                                                                                 
CICS TS FOR Z/OS V2            5697-E93     367                                                                                                 
WEBSPHERE MQ FOR Z/OS          5655-F10     365                                                                                                 
TIVOLI NETVIEW FOR OS/390      5697-B82     365    365     LCS and SCRT MSUs Equal                                                              
COBOL FOR OS/390 & VM V2       5648-A25     365      0     In NO89, Detectable, But Not Detected                                                
DETAIL DATA SECTIONS - FOR CUSTOMER ANALYSIS PURPOSES ONLY                                                                                      
DETAIL LPAR DATA SECTION       Please See Report SCRT1C For the Top 25 Intervals on Each Machine                                                
LPAR     SMF           Highest  Hour   Percent   First Date/Time       2nd      Hour   Percent   First Date/Time                                
NAME     SYSID           MSU    Count  Of Hours  At This MSU Level     Highest  Count  of Hours  At This MSU Level                              
QAS1     QAS1               6       6    0.94%   23 JAN 2004 - 15:00        5     177   27.87%   12 JAN 2004 - 16:00                            
SYSD     SYSD             365       4    0.54%   02 JAN 2004 - 04:00      364       4    0.54%   05 JAN 2004 - 16:00                            
CPC                       368       1    0.13%   29 JAN 2004 - 15:00      367      17    2.28%   06 JAN 2004 - 14:00                            
PRODUCT MAX CONTRIBUTORS for 2064#1235                                                                                                          
                                                           LPARName, Sysplex and System                                                         
                                                           QAS1      SYSD                                                                       
                   Product   Highest                       TSTPLEX   PRDPLEX                                                                    
Product Name       ID        MSU      Date/Time            QAS1      SYSD                                                                       
                                                           --------  --------                                                                   
Z/OS V1            5694-A01      368  Thu,29JAN2004:15:00        6       362                                                                    
DB2 V7             5675-DB2      365  Fri,02JAN2004:04:00                365C                                                                   
CICS TS V2         5697-E93      367  Fri,09JAN2004:15:00        4       363                                                                    
MQSERIES V5        5655-F10      365  Fri,02JAN2004:04:00                365C                                                                   
NETVIEW OS/390     5697-B82      365  Fri,02JAN2004:04:00                365C                                                                   
COBOL V2           5648-A25      365  Fri,02JAN2004:04:00                365C                                                                   
LCSNOTE: The 'C' next to some numbers indicates the maximum value was 'softcapped'                                                              
DEFINED CAPACITY VALUE USED - HOURS                                                                                                             
                             LPARName, Sysplex and System                                                                                       
                             QAS1      SYSD                                                                                                     
                   Product   TSTPLEX   PRDPLEX                                                                                                  
Product Name       ID        QAS1      SYSD                                                                                                     
                             --------  --------                                                                                                 
Z/OS V1            5694-A01                   3                                                                                                 
DB2 V7             5675-DB2                   3                                                                                                 
CICS TS V2         5697-E93                   3                                                                                                 
MQSERIES V5        5655-F10                   3                                                                                                 
NETVIEW OS/390     5697-B82                   4                                                                                                 
COBOL V2           5648-A25                   1                                                                                                 
LCSNOTE: LCS May Show Fewer Capped Hours Than SCRT Because LCS Only Counts                                                                      
The Capped Hours When A Product Was Actually Executing.                                                                                         
PRODUCT GRID SNAPSHOT for 2064#1235                                                                                                             
                             LPARName, Sysplex and System                                                                                       
                             QAS1      SYSD                                                                                                     
                   Product   TSTPLEX   PRDPLEX                                                                                                  
Product Name       ID        QAS1      SYSD                                                                                                     
                             --------  --------                                                                                                 
Z/OS V1            5694-A01   149.2%    174.8%                                                                                                  
DB2 V7             5675-DB2              97.5%                                                                                                  
CICS TS V2         5697-E93     6.1%     99.8%                                                                                                  
MQSERIES V5        5655-F10             100.0%                                                                                                  
DETAIL DATA COLLECTION                                                                                                                          
LPARname  Sysplex/System   Input Data Start     Input Data End         % Data                                                                   
SYSD      PRDPLEX_SYSD     02 JAN 2004 - 00:00  01 FEB 2004 - 23:51     99.97%                                                                  
QAS1      TSTPLEX_QAS1     06 JAN 2004 - 11:00  01 FEB 2004 - 21:21     85.05%                                                                  
CFT1                       -                    -                        0.00%                                                                  
CPC                        02 JAN 2004 - 00:00                    .       .                                                                     
LCS Detail Data Collection Based on RMF Intervals                                                                                               
                          (Start Time Stamp    (End Time Stamp         Report                                                                   
                           of First Interval)   of Last Interval)      Period      RMF                                                          
LPARname  Sysplex/System   Input Data Start     Input Data End         % Data   Intervals                                                       
SYSD      PRDPLEX_SYSD     02 JAN 2004 - 00:14  01 FEB 2004 - 23:59     99.97%   2,976                                                          
QAS1      TSTPLEX_QAS1     06 JAN 2004 - 11:37  01 FEB 2004 - 21:29     85.05%   2,533                                                          
CFT1                       -                    -                        0.00%       0                                                          
CPC                        02 JAN 2004 - 00:14  01 FEB 2004 - 23:59     99.97%                                                                  
LCS Note: 5,509 RMF intervals were analyzed.                                                                                                    
LCS Note: This represents a duration of 30 days, 23:45 hours and minutes                                                                        
This File Was Created on 17NOV2005 - 9:20:57 by LCSAUD11.                                                                                       


LCSAUDIT: Sub-Capacity Report for 2064#5555 With LCS Updates
Printed: 09:12 Thursday, 17NOV2005
plain text format

================ LCS SUB-CAPACITY REPORT================                                                                                        
                     Run Date/Time: 17NOV2005 - 9:20:52, Reporting Period is 02JAN2004                                                          
  Name of Person Submitting Report: Al Sherkow                                                                                                  
E-Mail Address of Report Submitter:                                                                                              
  Phone Number of Report Submitter: 414-332-3062                                                                                                
                     Customer Name: LCSDEMO Environment                                                                                         
                   Customer Number: 9999999                                                                                                     
             Machine Serial Number: 02-55555                                                                                                    
            Machine Type and Model: 2064-105                                                                                                    
     Machine Rated Capacity (MSUs): 173                                                                                                         
             Purchase Order Number: XX9999                                                                                                      
Is this machine a member of a pricing aggregation?   (YES, NO, or NOT SURE.)                                                                    
Customer Comments:                                                                                                                              
Note: This report is expected to provide a "% data collected" > 95% and data reporting                                                          
period beginning on the 2nd of the previous month and ending on the 1st of the current month.                                                   
TOOL INFORMATION                                                                                                                                
LCS, LPAR Capacity and Software Usage Analysis Tool (Source Code Level: 02.06  4Nov2005)                                                        
Copyright @1992-2005 by I/S Management Strategies, Ltd.                                                                                         
Formatted to Match SCRT Tool Release: 11.1                                                                                                      
Reporting Period:              02JAN2004  - 01FEB2004 (31 days)                                                                                 
% Data Collected:              100%  of 31 days                                                                                                 
Justification for low data collection (255 chars max)                                                                                           
Any MVS or OS/390 executing on this machine? NO                                                                                                 
Any z/OS in 31 bit? NO                                                                                                                          
Product Summary Information for 2064#5555                                                                                                       
                               VWLC       SCRT   LCS Suggested                                                                                  
VWLC Product Name              Product    Tool   Override                                                                                       
                               ID         MSUs   MSUs      LCS Comments                                                                         
Z/OS                           5694-A01     155                                                                                                 
DB2 UDB FOR OS/390 V7          5675-DB2     154                                                                                                 
CICS TS FOR Z/OS V2            5697-E93     154                                                                                                 
WEBSPHERE MQ FOR Z/OS          5655-F10     154                                                                                                 
TIVOLI NETVIEW FOR OS/390      5697-B82     154    155     See Note 4                                                                           
COBOL FOR OS/390 & VM V2       5648-A25     154    154     See Note 8                                                                           
LCS Notes                                                                                                                                       
Note 04: LCS Detected Different LPARs Than Parameters, LCS has More MSUs                                                                        
         See Report 'DIF89LPR' for details                                                                                                      
Note 08: NO89 Product Detected, but Not in NO89                                                                                                 
DETAIL DATA SECTIONS - FOR CUSTOMER ANALYSIS PURPOSES ONLY                                                                                      
DETAIL LPAR DATA SECTION       Please See Report SCRT1C For the Top 25 Intervals on Each Machine                                                
LPAR     SMF           Highest  Hour   Percent   First Date/Time       2nd      Hour   Percent   First Date/Time                                
NAME     SYSID           MSU    Count  Of Hours  At This MSU Level     Highest  Count  of Hours  At This MSU Level                              
SYSA     SYSA             154       1    0.13%   14 JAN 2004 - 14:00      153      14    1.88%   13 JAN 2004 - 12:00                            
SYSC     SYSC               1     670   100.0%   02 JAN 2004 - 09:00        1     670   100.0%   02 JAN 2004 - 09:00                            
CPC                       155       1    0.13%   14 JAN 2004 - 14:00      154      14    1.88%   13 JAN 2004 - 12:00                            
PRODUCT MAX CONTRIBUTORS for 2064#5555                                                                                                          
                                                           LPARName, Sysplex and System                                                         
                                                           SYSA      SYSC                                                                       
                   Product   Highest                       PRDPLEX   TSTPLEX                                                                    
Product Name       ID        MSU      Date/Time            SYSA      SYSC                                                                       
                                                           --------  --------                                                                   
Z/OS V1            5694-A01      155  Wed,14JAN2004:14:00      154         1                                                                    
DB2 V7             5675-DB2      154  Wed,14JAN2004:14:00      154                                                                              
CICS TS V2         5697-E93      154  Wed,14JAN2004:14:00      154                                                                              
MQSERIES V5        5655-F10      154  Wed,14JAN2004:14:00      154                                                                              
NETVIEW OS/390     5697-B82      154  Wed,14JAN2004:14:00      154                                                                              
COBOL V2           5648-A25      154  Wed,14JAN2004:14:00      154                                                                              
DEFINED CAPACITY VALUE USED - HOURS                                                                                                             
                             LPARName, Sysplex and System                                                                                       
                             SYSA      SYSC                                                                                                     
                   Product   PRDPLEX   TSTPLEX                                                                                                  
Product Name       ID        SYSA      SYSC                                                                                                     
                             --------  --------                                                                                                 
Z/OS V1            5694-A01         9                                                                                                           
DB2 V7             5675-DB2         9                                                                                                           
CICS TS V2         5697-E93         9                                                                                                           
MQSERIES V5        5655-F10         9                                                                                                           
NETVIEW OS/390     5697-B82         9                                                                                                           
COBOL V2           5648-A25         8                                                                                                           
LCSNOTE: LCS May Show Fewer Capped Hours Than SCRT Because LCS Only Counts                                                                      
The Capped Hours When A Product Was Actually Executing.                                                                                         
PRODUCT GRID SNAPSHOT for 2064#5555                                                                                                             
                             LPARName, Sysplex and System                                                                                       
                             SYSA      SYSC                                                                                                     
                   Product   PRDPLEX   TSTPLEX                                                                                                  
Product Name       ID        SYSA      SYSC                                                                                                     
                             --------  --------                                                                                                 
Z/OS V1            5694-A01   174.8%     89.8%                                                                                                  
DB2 V7             5675-DB2    99.4%                                                                                                            
CICS TS V2         5697-E93   100.0%                                                                                                            
MQSERIES V5        5655-F10   100.0%                                                                                                            
DETAIL DATA COLLECTION                                                                                                                          
LPARname  Sysplex/System   Input Data Start     Input Data End         % Data                                                                   
SYSA      PRDPLEX_SYSA     02 JAN 2004 - 00:00  01 FEB 2004 - 23:51     99.97%                                                                  
SYSC      TSTPLEX_SYSC     02 JAN 2004 - 09:00  01 FEB 2004 - 23:51     89.71%                                                                  
CFT2                       -                    -                        0.00%                                                                  
CPC                        02 JAN 2004 - 00:00                    .       .                                                                     
LCS Detail Data Collection Based on RMF Intervals                                                                                               
                          (Start Time Stamp    (End Time Stamp         Report                                                                   
                           of First Interval)   of Last Interval)      Period      RMF                                                          
LPARname  Sysplex/System   Input Data Start     Input Data End         % Data   Intervals                                                       
SYSA      PRDPLEX_SYSA     02 JAN 2004 - 00:14  01 FEB 2004 - 23:59     99.97%   2,976                                                          
SYSC      TSTPLEX_SYSC     02 JAN 2004 - 09:23  01 FEB 2004 - 23:59     89.71%   2,673                                                          
CFT2                       -                    -                        0.00%       0                                                          
CPC                        02 JAN 2004 - 00:14  01 FEB 2004 - 23:59     99.97%                                                                  
LCS Note: 5,649 RMF intervals were analyzed.                                                                                                    
LCS Note: This represents a duration of 30 days, 23:45 hours and minutes                                                                        
This File Was Created on 17NOV2005 - 9:20:58 by LCSAUD11.                                                                                       


LCSAUDIT: Sub-Capacity Report for 2064#9999 With LCS Updates
Printed: 09:12 Thursday, 17NOV2005
plain text format

================ LCS SUB-CAPACITY REPORT================                                                                                        
                     Run Date/Time: 17NOV2005 - 9:20:52, Reporting Period is 02JAN2004                                                          
  Name of Person Submitting Report: Al Sherkow                                                                                                  
E-Mail Address of Report Submitter:                                                                                              
  Phone Number of Report Submitter: 414-332-3062                                                                                                
                     Customer Name: LCSDEMO Environment                                                                                         
                   Customer Number: 9999999                                                                                                     
             Machine Serial Number: 02-40123 (p9999)                                                                                            
            Machine Type and Model: 2064-1C7                                                                                                    
     Machine Rated Capacity (MSUs): 247                                                                                                         
             Purchase Order Number: XX9999                                                                                                      
Is this machine a member of a pricing aggregation?   (YES, NO, or NOT SURE.)                                                                    
Customer Comments:                                                                                                                              
Note: This report is expected to provide a "% data collected" > 95% and data reporting                                                          
period beginning on the 2nd of the previous month and ending on the 1st of the current month.                                                   
TOOL INFORMATION                                                                                                                                
LCS, LPAR Capacity and Software Usage Analysis Tool (Source Code Level: 02.06  4Nov2005)                                                        
Copyright @1992-2005 by I/S Management Strategies, Ltd.                                                                                         
Formatted to Match SCRT Tool Release: 11.1                                                                                                      
Reporting Period:              02JAN2004  - 01FEB2004 (31 days)                                                                                 
% Data Collected:              100%  of 31 days                                                                                                 
Justification for low data collection (255 chars max)                                                                                           
Any MVS or OS/390 executing on this machine? NO                                                                                                 
Any z/OS in 31 bit? YES                                                                                                                         
Product Summary Information for 2064#9999                                                                                                       
This machine does not qualify for Sub-Capacity pricing.                                                                                         
Some SYSIDs encountered in input dataset are either 1) z/OS in 31 bit  2) OS/390  3) MVS or 4) Basic Mode.                                      
The SCRT cannot analyze these non-qualifying SYSIDs.                                                                                            
LCS Will Print a Partial Report                                                                                                                 
                               VWLC       SCRT   LCS Suggested                                                                                  
VWLC Product Name              Product    Tool   Override                                                                                       
                               ID         MSUs   MSUs      LCS Comments                                                                         
Z/OS                           5694-A01     213                                                                                                 
DB2 UDB FOR OS/390 V7          5675-DB2     213                                                                                                 
CICS TS FOR Z/OS V2            5697-E93     213                                                                                                 
WEBSPHERE MQ FOR Z/OS          5655-F10     213                                                                                                 
IMS V7                         5655-B01     213                                                                                                 
COBOL FOR OS/390 & VM V2       5648-A25     213      0     See Note 3                                                                           
LCS Notes                                                                                                                                       
Note 03: LCS Detected Different LPARs Than Parameters, LCS has Less MSUs                                                                        
         See Report 'DIF89LPR' for details                                                                                                      
DETAIL DATA SECTIONS - FOR CUSTOMER ANALYSIS PURPOSES ONLY                                                                                      
DETAIL LPAR DATA SECTION       Please See Report SCRT1C For the Top 25 Intervals on Each Machine                                                
LPAR     SMF           Highest  Hour   Percent   First Date/Time       2nd      Hour   Percent   First Date/Time                                
NAME     SYSID           MSU    Count  Of Hours  At This MSU Level     Highest  Count  of Hours  At This MSU Level                              
LPARWOLF WOLF             213       1    0.13%   27 JAN 2004 - 16:00      207       1    0.13%   27 JAN 2004 - 15:00                            
CPC                       213       1    0.13%   27 JAN 2004 - 16:00      207       1    0.13%   27 JAN 2004 - 15:00                            
PRODUCT MAX CONTRIBUTORS for 2064#9999                                                                                                          
                                                           LPARName, Sysplex and System                                                         
                   Product   Highest                       PRDPLEX                                                                              
Product Name       ID        MSU      Date/Time            WOLF                                                                                 
Z/OS V1            5694-A01      213  Tue,27JAN2004:16:00      213                                                                              
DB2 V7             5675-DB2      213  Tue,27JAN2004:16:00      213                                                                              
CICS TS V2         5697-E93      213  Tue,27JAN2004:16:00      213                                                                              
MQSERIES V5        5655-F10      213  Tue,27JAN2004:16:00      213                                                                              
IMS V7             5655-B01      213  Tue,27JAN2004:16:00      213                                                                              
COBOL V2           5648-A25      213  Wed,14JAN2004:14:00        0                                                                              
DEFINED CAPACITY VALUE USED - HOURS                                                                                                             
No Products Were Limited by Defined Capacity in Any LPAR. SCRT Would Omit This Section.                                                         
                             LPARName, Sysplex and System                                                                                       
                   Product   PRDPLEX                                                                                                            
Product Name       ID        WOLF                                                                                                               
Z/OS V1            5694-A01                                                                                                                     
DB2 V7             5675-DB2                                                                                                                     
CICS TS V2         5697-E93                                                                                                                     
MQSERIES V5        5655-F10                                                                                                                     
IMS V7             5655-B01                                                                                                                     
COBOL V2           5648-A25                                                                                                                     
LCSNOTE: LCS May Show Fewer Capped Hours Than SCRT Because LCS Only Counts                                                                      
The Capped Hours When A Product Was Actually Executing.                                                                                         
PRODUCT GRID SNAPSHOT for 2064#9999                                                                                                             
                             LPARName, Sysplex and System                                                                                       
                   Product   PRDPLEX                                                                                                            
Product Name       ID        WOLF                                                                                                               
Z/OS V1            5694-A01    99.6%                                                                                                            
DB2 V7             5675-DB2    93.4%                                                                                                            
CICS TS V2         5697-E93    99.4%                                                                                                            
MQSERIES V5        5655-F10    99.6%                                                                                                            
IMS V7             5655-B01    98.5%                                                                                                            
DETAIL DATA COLLECTION                                                                                                                          
LPARname  Sysplex/System   Input Data Start     Input Data End         % Data                                                                   
LPARWOLF  PRDPLEX_WOLF     01 JAN 2004 - 23:00  01 FEB 2004 - 23:51     99.58%  Not 64-bit                                                      
TSTA                       -                    -                        0.00%                                                                  
TSTB                       -                    -                        0.00%                                                                  
TSTN                       -                    -                        0.00%                                                                  
SYSC                       -                    -                        0.00%                                                                  
CPC                        01 JAN 2004 - 23:00                    .       .                                                                     
LCS Detail Data Collection Based on RMF Intervals                                                                                               
                          (Start Time Stamp    (End Time Stamp         Report                                                                   
                           of First Interval)   of Last Interval)      Period      RMF                                                          
LPARname  Sysplex/System   Input Data Start     Input Data End         % Data   Intervals                                                       
LPARWOLF  PRDPLEX_WOLF     01 JAN 2004 - 23:59  01 FEB 2004 - 23:59     99.58%   2,972      Not 64-bit                                          
TSTA                       -                    -                        0.00%       0                                                          
TSTB                       -                    -                        0.00%       0                                                          
TSTN                       -                    -                        0.00%       0                                                          
SYSC                       -                    -                        0.00%       0                                                          
CPC                        01 JAN 2004 - 23:59  01 FEB 2004 - 23:59     100.0%                                                                  
LCS Note: 2,972 RMF intervals were analyzed.                                                                                                    
LCS Note: This represents a duration of 31 days,  0:00 hours and minutes                                                                        
This File Was Created on 17NOV2005 - 9:20:58 by LCSAUD11.                                                                                       


LCSAUDIT: Sub-Capacity Report for 2066#F001 With LCS Updates
Printed: 09:12 Thursday, 17NOV2005
plain text format

================ LCS SUB-CAPACITY REPORT================                                                                                        
                     Run Date/Time: 17NOV2005 - 9:20:52, Reporting Period is 02JAN2004                                                          
  Name of Person Submitting Report: Al Sherkow                                                                                                  
E-Mail Address of Report Submitter:                                                                                              
  Phone Number of Report Submitter: 414-332-3062                                                                                                
                     Customer Name: LCSDEMO Environment                                                                                         
                   Customer Number: 9999999                                                                                                     
             Machine Serial Number: 02-1F001                                                                                                    
            Machine Type and Model: 2066-001                                                                                                    
     Machine Rated Capacity (MSUs): 32                                                                                                          
             Purchase Order Number: XX9999                                                                                                      
Is this machine a member of a pricing aggregation?   (YES, NO, or NOT SURE.)                                                                    
Customer Comments:                                                                                                                              
Note: This report is expected to provide a "% data collected" > 95% and data reporting                                                          
period beginning on the 2nd of the previous month and ending on the 1st of the current month.                                                   
TOOL INFORMATION                                                                                                                                
LCS, LPAR Capacity and Software Usage Analysis Tool (Source Code Level: 02.06  4Nov2005)                                                        
Copyright @1992-2005 by I/S Management Strategies, Ltd.                                                                                         
Formatted to Match SCRT Tool Release: 11.1                                                                                                      
Reporting Period:              02JAN2004  - 01FEB2004 (31 days)                                                                                 
% Data Collected:              100%  of 31 days                                                                                                 
Justification for low data collection (255 chars max)                                                                                           
Any MVS or OS/390 executing on this machine? NO                                                                                                 
Any z/OS in 31 bit? NO                                                                                                                          
Product Summary Information for 2066#F001                                                                                                       
                               VWLC       SCRT   LCS Suggested                                                                                  
VWLC Product Name              Product    Tool   Override                                                                                       
                               ID         MSUs   MSUs      LCS Comments                                                                         
Z/OS                           5694-A01      32                                                                                                 
TIVOLI NETVIEW FOR OS/390      5697-B82       0     32     See Note 8                                                                           
LCS Notes                                                                                                                                       
Note 08: NO89 Product Detected, but Not in NO89                                                                                                 
         See Report 'DIF89LPR' for details                                                                                                      
DETAIL DATA SECTIONS - FOR CUSTOMER ANALYSIS PURPOSES ONLY                                                                                      
DETAIL LPAR DATA SECTION       Please See Report SCRT1C For the Top 25 Intervals on Each Machine                                                
LPAR     SMF           Highest  Hour   Percent   First Date/Time       2nd      Hour   Percent   First Date/Time                                
NAME     SYSID           MSU    Count  Of Hours  At This MSU Level     Highest  Count  of Hours  At This MSU Level                              
PRODLPAR SYSS              32     744   100.0%   02 JAN 2004 - 00:00       32     744   100.0%   02 JAN 2004 - 00:00                            
CPC                        32     744   100.0%   02 JAN 2004 - 00:00       32     744   100.0%   02 JAN 2004 - 00:00                            
PRODUCT MAX CONTRIBUTORS for 2066#F001                                                                                                          
                                                           LPARName, Sysplex and System                                                         
                   Product   Highest                       PRDPLEX                                                                              
Product Name       ID        MSU      Date/Time            SYSS                                                                                 
Z/OS V1            5694-A01       32  Fri,02JAN2004:00:00       32                                                                              
NETVIEW OS/390     5697-B82        0  Sat,31JAN2004:21:00       32                                                                              
DEFINED CAPACITY VALUE USED - HOURS                                                                                                             
No Products Were Limited by Defined Capacity in Any LPAR. SCRT Would Omit This Section.                                                         
                             LPARName, Sysplex and System                                                                                       
                   Product   PRDPLEX                                                                                                            
Product Name       ID        SYSS                                                                                                               
Z/OS V1            5694-A01                                                                                                                     
NETVIEW OS/390     5697-B82                                                                                                                     
LCSNOTE: LCS May Show Fewer Capped Hours Than SCRT Because LCS Only Counts                                                                      
The Capped Hours When A Product Was Actually Executing.                                                                                         
PRODUCT GRID SNAPSHOT for 2066#F001                                                                                                             
                             LPARName, Sysplex and System                                                                                       
                   Product   PRDPLEX                                                                                                            
Product Name       ID        SYSS                                                                                                               
Z/OS V1            5694-A01   174.8%                                                                                                            
DETAIL DATA COLLECTION                                                                                                                          
LPARname  Sysplex/System   Input Data Start     Input Data End         % Data                                                                   
PRODLPAR  PRDPLEX_SYSS     02 JAN 2004 - 00:00  01 FEB 2004 - 23:51     99.97%                                                                  
CPC                        02 JAN 2004 - 00:00  01 FEB 2004 - 23:51     99.98%                                                                  
LCS Detail Data Collection Based on RMF Intervals                                                                                               
                          (Start Time Stamp    (End Time Stamp         Report                                                                   
                           of First Interval)   of Last Interval)      Period      RMF                                                          
LPARname  Sysplex/System   Input Data Start     Input Data End         % Data   Intervals                                                       
PRODLPAR  PRDPLEX_SYSS     02 JAN 2004 - 00:14  01 FEB 2004 - 23:59     99.97%   2,976                                                          
CPC                        02 JAN 2004 - 00:14  01 FEB 2004 - 23:59     99.97%                                                                  
LCS Note: 2,976 RMF intervals were analyzed.                                                                                                    
LCS Note: This represents a duration of 30 days, 23:45 hours and minutes                                                                        
This File Was Created on 17NOV2005 - 9:20:58 by LCSAUD11.                                                                                       