LCS Software
Workload License Charges
Our Seminars
Papers, Presentations
Outside Interests
About I/S MS
Our Software Applications
- LPAR Capacity and Software
Usage Analysis (LCS) Software was developed to
assist installations in planning for and implementing IBM’s
Workload License Charges (WLC). The LCS software supplements
IBM’s planning tools by integrating and automating many
of the planning functions.
- The Outage and Availability Reporting
System was developed in support of the availability
requirements that installations are writing into Service Level
Agreements (SLAs). Typically, such SLAs include an availability
- The SAS programs used to find and understand your Long
DASD I/Os are described on our Papers
- Call for information on our SAS programs used to analyze Batch
Processing schedules. Also read Crossing the Rubicon
on our Papers page.
Last Updated:
Thursday, 3 July, 2003