The ones with the "L" at the end of the word MOUSE (1,2 and 4)
were recorded with a lot of litter in the cage. Those without had
little (4 and 5). The litter causes lots of "scurring" sounds. Please
let us know how it works.We would like to know if you find them
These sounds are copyrighted by Barb and Jim Beck 1999. You are
free to use them and copy them for noncommercial purposes. If you
use them please give us credit.
Barb and Jim Beck, Department of Renewable Resources
University of Alberta Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Barb Beck
Last Update:
Wednesday, 8 September, 2004
5May2002, colored banding data sheet. 3May2002, Bandathon. 13March2002,
Added SAS Color Band, new format. Earlier: 26Jan2002: Added link
to Topozone. 22October2001: Added link to picture gallery. 13Oct2001:
Corrected URL for the NABC. This page has been viewed